Is INK IN THE BLOOD a series?

INK IN THE BLOOD (2020) is the first book of a duology! The second and final installment, CURSE OF THE DIVINE, was released in February 2021.

How can I get one of your books?

Support your local independent booksellers by requesting my books through them! You can find your local indie bookshop at Indiebound. My books are also available through most book retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters Indigo, etc). If purchasing my books is not an option, you can always get them through your local library (and if they don’t already have them in circulation, you can make a request!) If you’re still stuck and really want one of my books, please reach out via my contact page and I’ll see what I can do. :)

How do you pronounce your last name?

My last name, Smejkal, is Czech. You pronounce it: SMAY-kull. Close to Smeagol? Yes. Rhymes with bagel? Kind of. 

You seem to be pretty quiet on social media. Why?

Because I’m shy and awkward! If you ever want to play a board game, video game, have a drink, or talk books and politics, I’m there, but social media is something my introverted Gen X self can’t figure out. It’s not you, it’s me.

Do you love fanart?

I do. Very much. So much, in fact, that this is a not-so-cleverly disguised request for it. My biggest writer-goal is fanart, even doodles on napkins. *swoon*

Wow. Do you hope to have more stuff on this FAQ page one day?

Yes. :)